Development Notes

A collection point for information about the development process for future collaborators

Decision Points

  • Using Swagger 2.0 instead of OpenAPI3.0 as it (currently as of Aug2017) has wider adoption and completed codegen tools

  • We use Google style Docstrings to better enable Sphinx to produce nicely readable documentation

Testing Notes

When running tests on new code, you are advised to run ‘test_default’ first, then ‘test_regression’, then finally ‘test_security’. Because of the way errors are propagated you may have code failures which cause a teardown which then fails because of security controls, which can then obscure the original error.

Docker Test Environment

There is an Apache NiFi image available on Dockerhub:

docker pull apache/nifi:latest

There are a couple of configuration files for launching various Docker environment configurations in resources/docker for convenience.

Remote testing on AWS:AL3 with Visual Studio Code on OSX


Deploy a t2.xlarge on EC2, preferably with an elastic IP
Add the machine as a remote on Visual Studio Code and Connect
Open up the console and install git so VSCode can clone the repo `sudo dnf install -y git`
Use the VSCode Source Control plugin to clone nipyapi
You can then open these notes in VSCode with the terminal for easy execution
Now install dependencies `sudo dnf install -y docker && sudo dnf groupinstall "Development Tools" -y`
Now ensure docker starts with the OS and gives your user access `sudo systemctl start docker && sudo systemctl enable docker && sudo usermod -a -G docker $USER`
Restart your terminal, or run `newgrp docker` to get Docker access permissions active
Install Pip `sudo dnf install python3-pip -y`
Instal docker compose `sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose`
I recommend you install PyEnv to manage Python versions `sudo curl | bash`
Follow the instructions to set up your .bashrc
To build various versions of Python for testing you may also need `sudo dnf install bzip2-devel openssl-devel libffi-devel zlib-devel readline-devel sqlite-devel -y`
Install the latest supported version of Python for your main dev environment `pyenv install 3.9 2.7`
Set these versions as global in pyenv so tox can see them. Use the actual versions with the command `pyenv global 3.9.16 2.7.62`
You'll want to stand up the two sets of NiFi containers for testing. resources/docker/tox-full for default and regression tests, and resources/docker/secure for tests under auth.
You can switch between the tests by changing flags in tests/ around line 17.

Setup Code Signing

If you want to sign and push code from your EC2 instance, you’ll need to set up code signing. Ensuring security of your keys is important, so please protect them with a good secret passphrase


On your AL2023 instance, replace the default minimal gnupg package with the full one `sudo dnf install --allowerasing gnupg2-full`
Generate signing keys `gpg --full-generate-key`
Use the long key ID as your signingkey `git config --global user.signingkey <key here>`
git config --global commit.gpgsign true
Add the tty setting for gpg to your ~/.bashrc `export GPG_TTY=$(tty)`

Remote Testing on Centos7

Deprecated. Instructions kept for legacy reference.

Deploy a 4x16 or better on EC2 running Centos 7.5 or better, ssh in as root:

yum-config-manager --add-repo
yum update -y
yum install -y centos-release-scl yum-utils device-mapper-persistent-data lvm2
yum install -y rh-python36 docker-ce docker-ce-cli
systemctl start docker
scl enable rh-python36 bash
sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/docker-compose /usr/bin/docker-compose

Set up remote execution environment to this server from your IDE, such as PyCharm. Python3 will be in a path like /opt/rh/rh-python36/root/usr/bin/python These commands are conveniently presented in /resources/test_setup/

You will then want to open up /home/centos/tmp/<pycharmprojectname>/resources/docker/tox-full and run:

docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d

Testing on OSX

There is a known issue with testing newer versions of Python on OSX. You may receive an error reporting [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] when trying to install packages from Pypi

You can fix this by running the following commands:

/Applications/Python\ 3.6/Install\ Certificates.command

Generate Swagger Client

The NiFi and NiFi Registry REST API clients are generated using swagger-codegen, which is available via a variety of methods:

In the examples below, we’ll use Homebrew for macOS:

brew install swagger-codegen

NiFi Swagger Client

  1. build relevant version of NiFi from source

  2. use swagger-codegen to generate the Python client:

    mkdir -p ~/tmp && \
    echo '{ "packageName": "nifi" }' > ~/tmp/swagger-nifi-python-config.json && \
    rm -rf ~/tmp/nifi-python-client && \
    swagger-codegen generate \
        --lang python \
        --config swagger-nifi-python-config.json \
        --api-package apis \
        --model-package models \
        --template-dir /path/to/nipyapi/swagger_templates \
        --input-spec /path/to/nifi/nifi-nar-bundles/nifi-framework-bundle/nifi-framework/nifi-web/nifi-web-api/target/swagger-ui/swagger.json \
        --output ~/tmp/nifi-python-client
  3. replace the embedded clients:

    rm -rf /path/to/nipyapi/nipyapi/nifi && cp -rf ~/tmp/nifi-python-client/nifi /path/to/nipyapi/nipyapi/nifi
  4. review the changes and submit a PR!

NiFi Registry Swagger Client

  1. Fetch the definition from a running Registry instance at URI: /nifi-registry-api/swagger/swagger.json

  2. use swagger-codegen to generate the Python client:

    mkdir -p ~/tmp && \
    echo '{ "packageName": "registry" }' > ~/tmp/swagger-registry-python-config.json && \
    rm -rf ~/tmp/nifi-registry-python-client && \
    swagger-codegen generate \
        --lang python \
        --config swagger-registry-python-config.json \
        --api-package apis \
        --model-package models \
        --template-dir /path/to/nipyapi/swagger_templates \
        --input-spec /path/to/nifi-registry/nifi-registry-web-api/target/swagger-ui/swagger.json \
        --output ~/tmp/nifi-registry-python-client
  3. replace the embedded clients:

    rm -r /path/to/nipyapi/nipyapi/registry && cp -rf /tmp/nifi-registry-python-client/swagger_client /path/to/nipyapi/nipyapi/registry
  4. review the changes and submit a PR!

Release Process

This assumes you have virtualenvwrapper, git, and appropriate python versions installed, as well as the necessary test environment:

  • update History.rst

  • check

  • check requirements.txt and requirements_dev.txt

  • Commit all changes

  • in bash:

    cd ProjectDir
    source ./my_virtualenv/bin/activate
    bumpversion patch|minor|major
    python develop
    python test
    Run `make html` in the docs subdir
    # check docs in build/sphinx/html/index.html
    python sdist bdist_wheel
    mktmpenv  # or pyenv virtualenvwrapper mktmpenv if using pyenv
    pip install path/to/nipyapi-0.3.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl  # for example
    # Run appropriate tests, such as usage tests etc.
    Push changes to Github
    Check build on TravisCI
    Check dockerhub automated build
    # You may have to reactivate your original virtualenv
    twine upload dist/*
    # You may get a file exists error, check you're not trying to reupload an existing version
    git push --tags
  • check build in TravisCI

  • check docs on ReadTheDocs

  • check release published on Github and PyPi