Source code for nipyapi.utils

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Convenience utility functions for NiPyApi, not really intended for external use

from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
import logging
import json
import time
import six
from packaging import version
import ruamel.yaml
import docker
import requests
from requests.models import Response
from docker.errors import ImageNotFound
import nipyapi

__all__ = ['dump', 'load', 'fs_read', 'fs_write', 'filter_obj',
           'wait_to_complete', 'is_endpoint_up', 'set_endpoint',
           'start_docker_containers', 'DockerContainer']

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def dump(obj, mode='json'): """ Dumps a native datatype object to json or yaml, defaults to json Args: obj (varies): The native datatype object to serialise mode (str): 'json' or 'yaml', the supported export modes Returns (str): The serialised object """ assert mode in ['json', 'yaml'] try: out = json.dumps( obj=obj, sort_keys=True, indent=4 # default=_json_default ) except TypeError as e: raise e if mode == 'json': return out if mode == 'yaml': return ruamel.yaml.safe_dump( json.loads(out), default_flow_style=False ) raise ValueError("Invalid dump Mode specified {0}".format(mode))
[docs]def load(obj, dto=None): """ Loads a serialised object back into native datatypes, and optionally imports it back into the native NiFi DTO Warning: Using this on objects not produced by this Package may have unintended results! While efforts have been made to ensure that unsafe loading is not possible, no stringent security testing has been completed. Args: obj (dict, list): The serialised object to import dto (Optional [tuple{str, str}]): A Tuple describing the service and object that should be constructed. e.g. dto = ('registry', 'VersionedFlowSnapshot') Returns: Either the loaded object in native Python datatypes, or the constructed native datatype object """ assert isinstance(obj, (six.string_types, bytes)) assert dto is None or isinstance(dto, tuple) # ensure object is standard json before reusing the api_client deserializer # safe_load from ruamel.yaml as it doesn't accidentally convert str # to unicode in py2. It also manages both json and yaml equally well # Good explanation: # Safe Load also helps prevent code injection loaded_obj = ruamel.yaml.safe_load(obj) if dto: assert dto[0] in ['nifi', 'registry'] assert isinstance(dto[1], six.string_types) obj_as_json = dump(loaded_obj) response = Response() = obj_as_json if 'nifi' in dto[0]: return nipyapi.config.nifi_config.api_client.deserialize( response=response, response_type=dto[1] ) return nipyapi.config.registry_config.api_client.deserialize( response=response, response_type=dto[1] ) return loaded_obj
[docs]def fs_write(obj, file_path): """ Convenience function to write an Object to a FilePath Args: obj (varies): The Object to write out file_path (str): The Full path including filename to write to Returns: The object that was written """ try: with open(str(file_path), 'w') as f: f.write(obj) return obj except TypeError as e: raise e
[docs]def fs_read(file_path): """ Convenience function to read an Object from a FilePath Args: file_path (str): The Full path including filename to read from Returns: The object that was read """ try: with open(str(file_path), 'r') as f: return except IOError as e: raise e
[docs]def filter_obj(obj, value, key, greedy=True): """ Implements a custom filter method because native datatypes don't have consistently named or located fields. Note that each object used by this function must be registered with identifier_types and identifiers in config Args: obj (varies): the NiFi or NiFi-Registry object to filter on value (str): the String value to look for key (str): the object key to filter against greedy (bool): If True, the value will be matched anywhere in the string, if False it will require exact match Returns: None if 0 matches, list if > 1, single Object entity if ==1 """ from functools import reduce import operator # Using the object class name as a lookup as they are unique within the # NiFi DTOs if isinstance(obj, list) and not obj: return None try: obj_class_name = obj[0].__class__.__name__ except (TypeError, IndexError): raise TypeError("The passed object {0} is not a known filterable" " nipyapi object".format(obj.__class__.__name__)) # Check if this class has a registered filter in Nipyapi.config this_filter = nipyapi.config.registered_filters.get(obj_class_name, False) if not this_filter: registered_filters = ' '.join(nipyapi.config.registered_filters.keys()) raise ValueError( "{0} is not a registered NiPyApi filterable class, registered " "classes are {1}".format(obj_class_name, registered_filters) ) # Check if the supplied key is part of the registered filter key_lookup = nipyapi.config.registered_filters[obj_class_name].get( key, False ) if not key_lookup: valid_keys = ' '.join( nipyapi.config.registered_filters[obj_class_name].keys() ) raise ValueError( "{0} is not a registered filter method for object {1}, valid " "methods are {2}".format(key, obj_class_name, valid_keys) ) # List comprehension using reduce to unpack the list of keys in the filter if greedy: out = [ i for i in obj if value in reduce(operator.getitem, key_lookup, i.to_dict()) ] else: out = [ i for i in obj if value == reduce(operator.getitem, key_lookup, i.to_dict()) ] # Manage our return contract if not out: return None if len(out) > 1: return out return out[0]
[docs]def wait_to_complete(test_function, *args, **kwargs): """ Implements a basic return loop for a given function which is capable of a True|False output Args: test_function: Function which returns a bool once the target state is reached delay (int): The number of seconds between each attempt, defaults to config.short_retry_delay max_wait (int): the maximum number of seconds before issuing a Timeout, defaults to config.short_max_wait *args: Any args to pass through to the test function **kwargs: Any Keword Args to pass through to the test function Returns (bool): True for success, False for not """"Called wait_to_complete for function %s", test_function.__name__) delay = kwargs.pop('nipyapi_delay', nipyapi.config.short_retry_delay) max_wait = kwargs.pop('nipyapi_max_wait', nipyapi.config.short_max_wait) timeout = time.time() + max_wait while time.time() < timeout: log.debug("Calling test_function") test_result = test_function(*args, **kwargs) log.debug("Checking result") if test_result:"Function output evaluated to True, returning output") return test_result"Function output evaluated to False, sleeping...") time.sleep(delay)"Hit Timeout, raising TimeOut Error") raise ValueError("Timed Out waiting for {0} to complete".format( test_function.__name__))
[docs]def is_endpoint_up(endpoint_url): """ Tests if a URL is available for requests Args: endpoint_url (str): The URL to test Returns (bool): True for a 200 response, False for not """"Called is_endpoint_up with args %s", locals()) try: response = requests.get(endpoint_url) if response.status_code == 200:"Got 200 response from endpoint, returning True") return True"Got status code %s from endpoint, returning False", response.status_code) return False except requests.ConnectionError:"Got ConnectionError, returning False") return False
[docs]def set_endpoint(endpoint_url): """ EXPERIMENTAL Sets the endpoint when switching between instances of NiFi or other projects. Not tested extensively with secured instances. Args: endpoint_url (str): The URL to set as the endpoint. Autodetects the relevant service e.g. 'http://localhost:18080/nifi-registry-api' Returns (bool): True for success, False for not """"Called set_endpoint with args %s", locals()) if 'nifi-api' in endpoint_url:"Setting NiFi endpoint to %s", endpoint_url) if nipyapi.config.nifi_config.api_client: # Setting existing api_client to None to enforce reauth if it # is a secured instance nipyapi.config.nifi_config.api_client = None = endpoint_url if == endpoint_url: return True return False if 'registry-api' in endpoint_url:"Setting Registry endpoint to %s", endpoint_url) if nipyapi.config.registry_config.api_client: nipyapi.config.registry_config.api_client = None = endpoint_url if == endpoint_url: return True return False raise ValueError("Unrecognised NiFi or subproject API Endpoint")
[docs]class DockerContainer(object): """ Helper class for Docker container automation without using Ansible """ def __init__(self, name=None, image_name=None, image_tag=None, ports=None, env=None, volumes=None, test_url=None, endpoint=None): = name self.image_name = image_name self.image_tag = image_tag self.ports = ports self.env = env self.volumes = volumes self.test_url = test_url self.endpoint = endpoint
[docs] def get_test_url_status(self): """ Checks if a URL is available :return: status code if available, String 'ConnectionError' if not """ try: return requests.get(self.test_url).status_code except requests.ConnectionError: return 'ConnectionError'
[docs]def start_docker_containers(docker_containers, network_name='demo'): """ Deploys a list of DockerContainer's on a given network Args: docker_containers (list[DockerContainer]): list of Dockers to start network_name (str): The name of the Docker Bridge Network to get or create for the Docker Containers Returns: Nothing """"Creating Docker client using Environment Variables") d_client = docker.from_env() # Test if Docker Service is available try: d_client.version() except Exception: raise EnvironmentError("Docker Service not found") for target in docker_containers: assert isinstance(target, DockerContainer) # Pull relevant Images"Pulling relevant Docker Images if needed") for image in set([(c.image_name + ':' + c.image_tag) for c in docker_containers]):"Checking image %s", image) try: d_client.images.get(image)"Using local image for %s", image) except ImageNotFound:"Pulling %s", image) d_client.images.pull(image) # Clear previous containers"Clearing previous containers for this demo") d_clear_list = [li for li in d_client.containers.list(all=True) if in [ for i in docker_containers]] for c in d_clear_list:"Removing old container %s", c.remove(force=True) # Deploy/Get Network"Getting Docker bridge network") d_n_list = [li for li in d_client.networks.list() if network_name in] if not d_n_list: d_network = d_client.networks.create( name=network_name, driver='bridge', check_duplicate=True ) elif len(d_n_list) > 1: raise EnvironmentError("Too many test networks found") else: d_network = d_n_list[0]"Using Docker network: %s", # Deploy Containers"Starting relevant Docker Containers") c_hooks = {} for c in docker_containers:"Starting Container %s", c_hooks[] = image=c.image_name + ':' + c.image_tag, detach=True, network=network_name,,, ports=c.ports, environment=c.env, volumes=c.volumes )
def check_version(base, comparator=None, service='nifi'): """ Compares version 'a' against either version 'b', or the version of the currently connected service instance. Args: base (str): The base version for the comparison test comparator (optional[str]): The version to compare against service (str): The service to test the version against, currently only supports NiFi Returns (int): -1 if a is lower, 0 if equal, and 1 if newer """ assert isinstance(base, six.string_types) assert comparator is None or isinstance(comparator, six.string_types) assert service == 'nifi' # This call currently only supports NiFi ver_a = version.parse(base) if comparator: # if b is set, we compare the passed versions ver_b = version.parse(comparator) else: # if b not set, we compare a against the connected nifi instance ver_b = version.parse( nipyapi.system.get_nifi_version_info().ni_fi_version ) if ver_b > ver_a: return -1 if ver_b < ver_a: return 1 return 0