Development Notes

A collection point for information about the development process for future collaborators

Decision Points

  • Using Swagger 2.0 instead of OpenAPI3.0 as it (currently as of Aug2017) has wider adoption and completed codegen tools
  • We use Google style Docstrings to better enable Sphinx to produce nicely readable documentation

Testing Notes

When running tests on new code, you are advised to run ‘test_default’ first, then ‘test_regression’, then finally ‘test_security’. Because of the way errors are propagated you may have code failures which cause a teardown which then fails because of security controls, which can then obscure the original error.

Docker Test Environment

There is an Apache NiFi image available on Dockerhub:

docker pull apache/nifi:latest

There are a couple of configuration files for launching various Docker environment configurations in ./test_env_config for convenience.

Remote Testing on Centos7

Deploy a 4x16 or better on EC2 running Centos 7.5 or better, ssh in as root:

yum-config-manager --add-repo
yum update -y
yum install -y centos-release-scl yum-utils device-mapper-persistent-data lvm2
yum install -y rh-python36 docker
systemctl start docker
scl enable rh-python36 bash
sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/docker-compose /usr/bin/docker-compose

Set up remote execution environment to this server from your IDE, such as PyCharm. Python3 will be in a path like /opt/rh/rh-python36/root/usr/bin/python These commands are conveniently presented in /resources/test_setup/

You will then want to open up /home/centos/tmp/<pycharmprojectname>/resources/docker/tox-full and run:

docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d

Testing on OSX

There is a known issue with testing newer versions of Python on OSX. You may receive an error reporting [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] when trying to install packages from Pypi

You can fix this by running the following commands:

/Applications/Python\ 3.6/Install\ Certificates.command

Generate Swagger Client

The NiFi and NiFi Registry REST API clients are generated using swagger-codegen, which is available via a variety of methods:

In the examples below, we’ll use Homebrew for macOS:

brew install swagger-codegen

NiFi Swagger Client

  1. build relevant version of NiFi from source

  2. use swagger-codegen to generate the Python client:

    mkdir -p ~/tmp && \
    echo '{ "packageName": "nifi" }' > ~/tmp/swagger-nifi-python-config.json && \
    rm -rf ~/tmp/nifi-python-client && \
    swagger-codegen generate \
        --lang python \
        --config swagger-nifi-python-config.json \
        --api-package apis \
        --model-package models \
        --template-dir /path/to/nipyapi/swagger_templates \
        --input-spec /path/to/nifi/nifi-nar-bundles/nifi-framework-bundle/nifi-framework/nifi-web/nifi-web-api/target/swagger-ui/swagger.json \
        --output ~/tmp/nifi-python-client
  3. replace the embedded clients:

    rm -rf /path/to/nipyapi/nipyapi/nifi && cp -rf ~/tmp/nifi-python-client/nifi /path/to/nipyapi/nipyapi/nifi
  4. review the changes and submit a PR!

NiFi Registry Swagger Client

  1. Fetch the definition from a running Registry instance at URI: /nifi-registry-api/swagger/swagger.json

  2. use swagger-codegen to generate the Python client:

    mkdir -p ~/tmp && \
    echo '{ "packageName": "registry" }' > ~/tmp/swagger-registry-python-config.json && \
    rm -rf ~/tmp/nifi-registry-python-client && \
    swagger-codegen generate \
        --lang python \
        --config swagger-registry-python-config.json \
        --api-package apis \
        --model-package models \
        --template-dir /path/to/nipyapi/swagger_templates \
        --input-spec /path/to/nifi-registry/nifi-registry-web-api/target/swagger-ui/swagger.json \
        --output ~/tmp/nifi-registry-python-client
  3. replace the embedded clients:

    rm -r /path/to/nipyapi/nipyapi/registry && cp -rf /tmp/nifi-registry-python-client/swagger_client /path/to/nipyapi/nipyapi/registry
  4. review the changes and submit a PR!

Release Process

This assumes you have virtualenvwrapper, git, and appropriate python versions installed, as well as the necessary test environment:

  • update History.rst

  • check

  • check requirements.txt and requirements_dev.txt

  • Commit all changes

  • in bash:

    cd ProjectDir
    source ./my_virtualenv/bin/activate
    bumpversion patch|minor|major
    python develop
    python test
    python build_sphinx
    # check docs in build/sphinx/html/index.html
    python sdist bdist_wheel
    mktmpenv  # or pyenv virtualenvwrapper mktmpenv if using pyenv
    pip install path/to/nipyapi-0.3.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl  # for example
    # Run appropriate tests, such as usage tests etc.
    # You may have to reactivate your original virtualenv
    twine upload dist/*
    # You may get a file exists error, check you're not trying to reupload an existing version
    git push --tags
  • check build in TravisCI

  • check docs on ReadTheDocs

  • check release published on Github and PyPi