nipyapi.registry.models package


nipyapi.registry.models.access_policy module

Apache NiFi Registry REST API

The REST API provides an interface to a registry with operations for saving, versioning, reading NiFi flows and components.

OpenAPI spec version: 0.5.0 Contact: Generated by:

class nipyapi.registry.models.access_policy.AccessPolicy(identifier=None, resource=None, action=None, configurable=None, users=None, user_groups=None)[source]

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. Do not edit the class manually.

AccessPolicy - a model defined in Swagger


Gets the action of this AccessPolicy. The action associated with this access policy.

Returns:The action of this AccessPolicy.
Return type:str
attribute_map = {'action': 'action', 'configurable': 'configurable', 'identifier': 'identifier', 'resource': 'resource', 'user_groups': 'userGroups', 'users': 'users'}

Gets the configurable of this AccessPolicy. Indicates if this access policy is configurable, based on which Authorizer has been configured to manage it.

Returns:The configurable of this AccessPolicy.
Return type:bool

Gets the identifier of this AccessPolicy. The id of the policy. Set by server at creation time.

Returns:The identifier of this AccessPolicy.
Return type:str

Gets the resource of this AccessPolicy. The resource for this access policy.

Returns:The resource of this AccessPolicy.
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'action': 'str', 'configurable': 'bool', 'identifier': 'str', 'resource': 'str', 'user_groups': 'list[Tenant]', 'users': 'list[Tenant]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


Gets the user_groups of this AccessPolicy. The set of user group IDs associated with this access policy.

Returns:The user_groups of this AccessPolicy.
Return type:list[Tenant]

Gets the users of this AccessPolicy. The set of user IDs associated with this access policy.

Returns:The users of this AccessPolicy.
Return type:list[Tenant]

nipyapi.registry.models.access_policy_summary module

Apache NiFi Registry REST API

The REST API provides an interface to a registry with operations for saving, versioning, reading NiFi flows and components.

OpenAPI spec version: 0.5.0 Contact: Generated by:

class nipyapi.registry.models.access_policy_summary.AccessPolicySummary(identifier=None, resource=None, action=None, configurable=None)[source]

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. Do not edit the class manually.

AccessPolicySummary - a model defined in Swagger


Gets the action of this AccessPolicySummary. The action associated with this access policy.

Returns:The action of this AccessPolicySummary.
Return type:str
attribute_map = {'action': 'action', 'configurable': 'configurable', 'identifier': 'identifier', 'resource': 'resource'}

Gets the configurable of this AccessPolicySummary. Indicates if this access policy is configurable, based on which Authorizer has been configured to manage it.

Returns:The configurable of this AccessPolicySummary.
Return type:bool

Gets the identifier of this AccessPolicySummary. The id of the policy. Set by server at creation time.

Returns:The identifier of this AccessPolicySummary.
Return type:str

Gets the resource of this AccessPolicySummary. The resource for this access policy.

Returns:The resource of this AccessPolicySummary.
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'action': 'str', 'configurable': 'bool', 'identifier': 'str', 'resource': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

nipyapi.registry.models.batch_size module

Apache NiFi Registry REST API

The REST API provides an interface to a registry with operations for saving, versioning, reading NiFi flows and components.

OpenAPI spec version: 0.5.0 Contact: Generated by:

class nipyapi.registry.models.batch_size.BatchSize(count=None, size=None, duration=None)[source]

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. Do not edit the class manually.

BatchSize - a model defined in Swagger

attribute_map = {'count': 'count', 'duration': 'duration', 'size': 'size'}

Gets the count of this BatchSize. Preferred number of flow files to include in a transaction.

Returns:The count of this BatchSize.
Return type:int

Gets the duration of this BatchSize. Preferred amount of time that a transaction should span.

Returns:The duration of this BatchSize.
Return type:str

Gets the size of this BatchSize. Preferred number of bytes to include in a transaction.

Returns:The size of this BatchSize.
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'count': 'int', 'duration': 'str', 'size': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

nipyapi.registry.models.bucket module

Apache NiFi Registry REST API

The REST API provides an interface to a registry with operations for saving, versioning, reading NiFi flows and components.

OpenAPI spec version: 0.5.0 Contact: Generated by:

class nipyapi.registry.models.bucket.Bucket(link=None, identifier=None, name=None, created_timestamp=None, description=None, allow_bundle_redeploy=None, allow_public_read=None, permissions=None)[source]

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. Do not edit the class manually.

Bucket - a model defined in Swagger


Gets the allow_bundle_redeploy of this Bucket. Indicates if this bucket allows the same version of an extension bundle to be redeployed and thus overwrite the existing artifact. By default this is false.

Returns:The allow_bundle_redeploy of this Bucket.
Return type:bool

Gets the allow_public_read of this Bucket. Indicates if this bucket allows read access to unauthenticated anonymous users

Returns:The allow_public_read of this Bucket.
Return type:bool
attribute_map = {'allow_bundle_redeploy': 'allowBundleRedeploy', 'allow_public_read': 'allowPublicRead', 'created_timestamp': 'createdTimestamp', 'description': 'description', 'identifier': 'identifier', 'link': 'link', 'name': 'name', 'permissions': 'permissions'}

Gets the created_timestamp of this Bucket. The timestamp of when the bucket was first created. This is set by the server at creation time.

Returns:The created_timestamp of this Bucket.
Return type:int

Gets the description of this Bucket. A description of the bucket.

Returns:The description of this Bucket.
Return type:str

Gets the identifier of this Bucket. An ID to uniquely identify this object.

Returns:The identifier of this Bucket.
Return type:str

Gets the link of this Bucket. An WebLink to this entity.

Returns:The link of this Bucket.
Return type:JaxbLink

Gets the name of this Bucket. The name of the bucket.

Returns:The name of this Bucket.
Return type:str

Gets the permissions of this Bucket. The access that the current user has to this bucket.

Returns:The permissions of this Bucket.
Return type:Permissions
swagger_types = {'allow_bundle_redeploy': 'bool', 'allow_public_read': 'bool', 'created_timestamp': 'int', 'description': 'str', 'identifier': 'str', 'link': 'JaxbLink', 'name': 'str', 'permissions': 'Permissions'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

nipyapi.registry.models.bucket_item module

Apache NiFi Registry REST API

The REST API provides an interface to a registry with operations for saving, versioning, reading NiFi flows and components.

OpenAPI spec version: 0.5.0 Contact: Generated by:

class nipyapi.registry.models.bucket_item.BucketItem(link=None, identifier=None, name=None, description=None, bucket_identifier=None, bucket_name=None, created_timestamp=None, modified_timestamp=None, type=None, permissions=None)[source]

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. Do not edit the class manually.

BucketItem - a model defined in Swagger

attribute_map = {'bucket_identifier': 'bucketIdentifier', 'bucket_name': 'bucketName', 'created_timestamp': 'createdTimestamp', 'description': 'description', 'identifier': 'identifier', 'link': 'link', 'modified_timestamp': 'modifiedTimestamp', 'name': 'name', 'permissions': 'permissions', 'type': 'type'}

Gets the bucket_identifier of this BucketItem. The identifier of the bucket this items belongs to. This cannot be changed after the item is created.

Returns:The bucket_identifier of this BucketItem.
Return type:str

Gets the bucket_name of this BucketItem. The name of the bucket this items belongs to.

Returns:The bucket_name of this BucketItem.
Return type:str

Gets the created_timestamp of this BucketItem. The timestamp of when the item was created, as milliseconds since epoch.

Returns:The created_timestamp of this BucketItem.
Return type:int

Gets the description of this BucketItem. A description of the item.

Returns:The description of this BucketItem.
Return type:str

Gets the identifier of this BucketItem. An ID to uniquely identify this object.

Returns:The identifier of this BucketItem.
Return type:str

Gets the link of this BucketItem. An WebLink to this entity.

Returns:The link of this BucketItem.
Return type:JaxbLink

Gets the modified_timestamp of this BucketItem. The timestamp of when the item was last modified, as milliseconds since epoch.

Returns:The modified_timestamp of this BucketItem.
Return type:int

Gets the name of this BucketItem. The name of the item.

Returns:The name of this BucketItem.
Return type:str

Gets the permissions of this BucketItem. The access that the current user has to the bucket containing this item.

Returns:The permissions of this BucketItem.
Return type:Permissions
swagger_types = {'bucket_identifier': 'str', 'bucket_name': 'str', 'created_timestamp': 'int', 'description': 'str', 'identifier': 'str', 'link': 'JaxbLink', 'modified_timestamp': 'int', 'name': 'str', 'permissions': 'Permissions', 'type': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


Gets the type of this BucketItem. The type of item.

Returns:The type of this BucketItem.
Return type:str

nipyapi.registry.models.bundle module

Apache NiFi Registry REST API

The REST API provides an interface to a registry with operations for saving, versioning, reading NiFi flows and components.

OpenAPI spec version: 0.5.0 Contact: Generated by:

class nipyapi.registry.models.bundle.Bundle(group=None, artifact=None, version=None)[source]

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. Do not edit the class manually.

Bundle - a model defined in Swagger


Gets the artifact of this Bundle. The artifact of the bundle

Returns:The artifact of this Bundle.
Return type:str
attribute_map = {'artifact': 'artifact', 'group': 'group', 'version': 'version'}

Gets the group of this Bundle. The group of the bundle

Returns:The group of this Bundle.
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'artifact': 'str', 'group': 'str', 'version': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


Gets the version of this Bundle. The version of the bundle

Returns:The version of this Bundle.
Return type:str

nipyapi.registry.models.connectable_component module

Apache NiFi Registry REST API

The REST API provides an interface to a registry with operations for saving, versioning, reading NiFi flows and components.

OpenAPI spec version: 0.5.0 Contact: Generated by:

class nipyapi.registry.models.connectable_component.ConnectableComponent(id=None, type=None, group_id=None, name=None, comments=None)[source]

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. Do not edit the class manually.

ConnectableComponent - a model defined in Swagger

attribute_map = {'comments': 'comments', 'group_id': 'groupId', 'id': 'id', 'name': 'name', 'type': 'type'}

Gets the comments of this ConnectableComponent. The comments for the connectable component.

Returns:The comments of this ConnectableComponent.
Return type:str

Gets the group_id of this ConnectableComponent. The id of the group that the connectable component resides in

Returns:The group_id of this ConnectableComponent.
Return type:str

Gets the id of this ConnectableComponent. The id of the connectable component.

Returns:The id of this ConnectableComponent.
Return type:str

Gets the name of this ConnectableComponent. The name of the connectable component

Returns:The name of this ConnectableComponent.
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'comments': 'str', 'group_id': 'str', 'id': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'type': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


Gets the type of this ConnectableComponent. The type of component the connectable is.

Returns:The type of this ConnectableComponent.
Return type:str

nipyapi.registry.models.controller_service_api module

Apache NiFi Registry REST API

The REST API provides an interface to a registry with operations for saving, versioning, reading NiFi flows and components.

OpenAPI spec version: 0.5.0 Contact: Generated by:

class nipyapi.registry.models.controller_service_api.ControllerServiceAPI(type=None, bundle=None)[source]

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. Do not edit the class manually.

ControllerServiceAPI - a model defined in Swagger

attribute_map = {'bundle': 'bundle', 'type': 'type'}

Gets the bundle of this ControllerServiceAPI. The details of the artifact that bundled this service interface.

Returns:The bundle of this ControllerServiceAPI.
Return type:Bundle
swagger_types = {'bundle': 'Bundle', 'type': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


Gets the type of this ControllerServiceAPI. The fully qualified name of the service interface.

Returns:The type of this ControllerServiceAPI.
Return type:str

nipyapi.registry.models.current_user module

Apache NiFi Registry REST API

The REST API provides an interface to a registry with operations for saving, versioning, reading NiFi flows and components.

OpenAPI spec version: 0.5.0 Contact: Generated by:

class nipyapi.registry.models.current_user.CurrentUser(identity=None, anonymous=None, login_supported=None, resource_permissions=None)[source]

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. Do not edit the class manually.

CurrentUser - a model defined in Swagger


Gets the anonymous of this CurrentUser. Indicates if the current user is anonymous

Returns:The anonymous of this CurrentUser.
Return type:bool
attribute_map = {'anonymous': 'anonymous', 'identity': 'identity', 'login_supported': 'loginSupported', 'resource_permissions': 'resourcePermissions'}

Gets the identity of this CurrentUser. The identity of the current user

Returns:The identity of this CurrentUser.
Return type:str

Gets the login_supported of this CurrentUser. Indicates if the NiFi instance supports logging in

Returns:The login_supported of this CurrentUser.
Return type:bool

Gets the resource_permissions of this CurrentUser. The access that the current user has to top level resources

Returns:The resource_permissions of this CurrentUser.
Return type:ResourcePermissions
swagger_types = {'anonymous': 'bool', 'identity': 'str', 'login_supported': 'bool', 'resource_permissions': 'ResourcePermissions'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

nipyapi.registry.models.fields module

Apache NiFi Registry REST API

The REST API provides an interface to a registry with operations for saving, versioning, reading NiFi flows and components.

OpenAPI spec version: 0.5.0 Contact: Generated by:

class nipyapi.registry.models.fields.Fields(fields=None)[source]

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. Do not edit the class manually.

Fields - a model defined in Swagger

attribute_map = {'fields': 'fields'}

Gets the fields of this Fields.

Returns:The fields of this Fields.
Return type:list[str]
swagger_types = {'fields': 'list[str]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

nipyapi.registry.models.permissions module

Apache NiFi Registry REST API

The REST API provides an interface to a registry with operations for saving, versioning, reading NiFi flows and components.

OpenAPI spec version: 0.5.0 Contact: Generated by:

class nipyapi.registry.models.permissions.Permissions(can_read=None, can_write=None, can_delete=None)[source]

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. Do not edit the class manually.

Permissions - a model defined in Swagger

attribute_map = {'can_delete': 'canDelete', 'can_read': 'canRead', 'can_write': 'canWrite'}

Gets the can_delete of this Permissions. Indicates whether the user can delete a given resource.

Returns:The can_delete of this Permissions.
Return type:bool

Gets the can_read of this Permissions. Indicates whether the user can read a given resource.

Returns:The can_read of this Permissions.
Return type:bool

Gets the can_write of this Permissions. Indicates whether the user can write a given resource.

Returns:The can_write of this Permissions.
Return type:bool
swagger_types = {'can_delete': 'bool', 'can_read': 'bool', 'can_write': 'bool'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

nipyapi.registry.models.resource module

Apache NiFi Registry REST API

The REST API provides an interface to a registry with operations for saving, versioning, reading NiFi flows and components.

OpenAPI spec version: 0.5.0 Contact: Generated by:

class nipyapi.registry.models.resource.Resource(identifier=None, name=None)[source]

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. Do not edit the class manually.

Resource - a model defined in Swagger

attribute_map = {'identifier': 'identifier', 'name': 'name'}

Gets the identifier of this Resource. The identifier of the resource.

Returns:The identifier of this Resource.
Return type:str

Gets the name of this Resource. The name of the resource.

Returns:The name of this Resource.
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'identifier': 'str', 'name': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

nipyapi.registry.models.resource_permissions module

Apache NiFi Registry REST API

The REST API provides an interface to a registry with operations for saving, versioning, reading NiFi flows and components.

OpenAPI spec version: 0.5.0 Contact: Generated by:

class nipyapi.registry.models.resource_permissions.ResourcePermissions(buckets=None, tenants=None, policies=None, proxy=None, any_top_level_resource=None)[source]

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. Do not edit the class manually.

ResourcePermissions - a model defined in Swagger


Gets the any_top_level_resource of this ResourcePermissions. The access that the current user has to any top level resources (a logical ‘OR’ of all other values)

Returns:The any_top_level_resource of this ResourcePermissions.
Return type:Permissions
attribute_map = {'any_top_level_resource': 'anyTopLevelResource', 'buckets': 'buckets', 'policies': 'policies', 'proxy': 'proxy', 'tenants': 'tenants'}

Gets the buckets of this ResourcePermissions. The access that the current user has to the top level /buckets resource of this NiFi Registry (i.e., access to all buckets)

Returns:The buckets of this ResourcePermissions.
Return type:Permissions

Gets the policies of this ResourcePermissions. The access that the current user has to the top level /policies resource of this NiFi Registry

Returns:The policies of this ResourcePermissions.
Return type:Permissions

Gets the proxy of this ResourcePermissions. The access that the current user has to the top level /proxy resource of this NiFi Registry

Returns:The proxy of this ResourcePermissions.
Return type:Permissions
swagger_types = {'any_top_level_resource': 'Permissions', 'buckets': 'Permissions', 'policies': 'Permissions', 'proxy': 'Permissions', 'tenants': 'Permissions'}

Gets the tenants of this ResourcePermissions. The access that the current user has to the top level /tenants resource of this NiFi Registry

Returns:The tenants of this ResourcePermissions.
Return type:Permissions

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

nipyapi.registry.models.tenant module

Apache NiFi Registry REST API

The REST API provides an interface to a registry with operations for saving, versioning, reading NiFi flows and components.

OpenAPI spec version: 0.5.0 Contact: Generated by:

class nipyapi.registry.models.tenant.Tenant(identifier=None, identity=None, configurable=None, resource_permissions=None, access_policies=None)[source]

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. Do not edit the class manually.

Tenant - a model defined in Swagger


Gets the access_policies of this Tenant. The access policies granted to this tenant.

Returns:The access_policies of this Tenant.
Return type:list[AccessPolicySummary]
attribute_map = {'access_policies': 'accessPolicies', 'configurable': 'configurable', 'identifier': 'identifier', 'identity': 'identity', 'resource_permissions': 'resourcePermissions'}

Gets the configurable of this Tenant. Indicates if this tenant is configurable, based on which UserGroupProvider has been configured to manage it.

Returns:The configurable of this Tenant.
Return type:bool

Gets the identifier of this Tenant. The computer-generated identifier of the tenant.

Returns:The identifier of this Tenant.
Return type:str

Gets the identity of this Tenant. The human-facing identity of the tenant. This can only be changed if the tenant is configurable.

Returns:The identity of this Tenant.
Return type:str

Gets the resource_permissions of this Tenant. A summary top-level resource access policies granted to this tenant.

Returns:The resource_permissions of this Tenant.
Return type:ResourcePermissions
swagger_types = {'access_policies': 'list[AccessPolicySummary]', 'configurable': 'bool', 'identifier': 'str', 'identity': 'str', 'resource_permissions': 'ResourcePermissions'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

nipyapi.registry.models.the_position_of_a_component_on_the_graph module

nipyapi.registry.models.uri_builder module

nipyapi.registry.models.user module

Apache NiFi Registry REST API

The REST API provides an interface to a registry with operations for saving, versioning, reading NiFi flows and components.

OpenAPI spec version: 0.5.0 Contact: Generated by:

class nipyapi.registry.models.user.User(identifier=None, identity=None, configurable=None, resource_permissions=None, access_policies=None, user_groups=None)[source]

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. Do not edit the class manually.

User - a model defined in Swagger


Gets the access_policies of this User. The access policies granted to this tenant.

Returns:The access_policies of this User.
Return type:list[AccessPolicySummary]
attribute_map = {'access_policies': 'accessPolicies', 'configurable': 'configurable', 'identifier': 'identifier', 'identity': 'identity', 'resource_permissions': 'resourcePermissions', 'user_groups': 'userGroups'}

Gets the configurable of this User. Indicates if this tenant is configurable, based on which UserGroupProvider has been configured to manage it.

Returns:The configurable of this User.
Return type:bool

Gets the identifier of this User. The computer-generated identifier of the tenant.

Returns:The identifier of this User.
Return type:str

Gets the identity of this User. The human-facing identity of the tenant. This can only be changed if the tenant is configurable.

Returns:The identity of this User.
Return type:str

Gets the resource_permissions of this User. A summary top-level resource access policies granted to this tenant.

Returns:The resource_permissions of this User.
Return type:ResourcePermissions
swagger_types = {'access_policies': 'list[AccessPolicySummary]', 'configurable': 'bool', 'identifier': 'str', 'identity': 'str', 'resource_permissions': 'ResourcePermissions', 'user_groups': 'list[Tenant]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


Gets the user_groups of this User. The groups to which the user belongs.

Returns:The user_groups of this User.
Return type:list[Tenant]

nipyapi.registry.models.user_group module

Apache NiFi Registry REST API

The REST API provides an interface to a registry with operations for saving, versioning, reading NiFi flows and components.

OpenAPI spec version: 0.5.0 Contact: Generated by:

class nipyapi.registry.models.user_group.UserGroup(identifier=None, identity=None, configurable=None, resource_permissions=None, access_policies=None, users=None)[source]

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. Do not edit the class manually.

UserGroup - a model defined in Swagger


Gets the access_policies of this UserGroup. The access policies granted to this tenant.

Returns:The access_policies of this UserGroup.
Return type:list[AccessPolicySummary]
attribute_map = {'access_policies': 'accessPolicies', 'configurable': 'configurable', 'identifier': 'identifier', 'identity': 'identity', 'resource_permissions': 'resourcePermissions', 'users': 'users'}

Gets the configurable of this UserGroup. Indicates if this tenant is configurable, based on which UserGroupProvider has been configured to manage it.

Returns:The configurable of this UserGroup.
Return type:bool

Gets the identifier of this UserGroup. The computer-generated identifier of the tenant.

Returns:The identifier of this UserGroup.
Return type:str

Gets the identity of this UserGroup. The human-facing identity of the tenant. This can only be changed if the tenant is configurable.

Returns:The identity of this UserGroup.
Return type:str

Gets the resource_permissions of this UserGroup. A summary top-level resource access policies granted to this tenant.

Returns:The resource_permissions of this UserGroup.
Return type:ResourcePermissions
swagger_types = {'access_policies': 'list[AccessPolicySummary]', 'configurable': 'bool', 'identifier': 'str', 'identity': 'str', 'resource_permissions': 'ResourcePermissions', 'users': 'list[Tenant]'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


Gets the users of this UserGroup. The users that belong to this user group. This can only be changed if this group is configurable.

Returns:The users of this UserGroup.
Return type:list[Tenant]

nipyapi.registry.models.versioned_connection module

Apache NiFi Registry REST API

The REST API provides an interface to a registry with operations for saving, versioning, reading NiFi flows and components.

OpenAPI spec version: 0.5.0 Contact: Generated by:

class nipyapi.registry.models.versioned_connection.VersionedConnection(identifier=None, name=None, comments=None, position=None, source=None, destination=None, label_index=None, z_index=None, selected_relationships=None, back_pressure_object_threshold=None, back_pressure_data_size_threshold=None, flow_file_expiration=None, prioritizers=None, bends=None, load_balance_strategy=None, partitioning_attribute=None, load_balance_compression=None, component_type=None, group_identifier=None)[source]

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. Do not edit the class manually.

VersionedConnection - a model defined in Swagger

attribute_map = {'back_pressure_data_size_threshold': 'backPressureDataSizeThreshold', 'back_pressure_object_threshold': 'backPressureObjectThreshold', 'bends': 'bends', 'comments': 'comments', 'component_type': 'componentType', 'destination': 'destination', 'flow_file_expiration': 'flowFileExpiration', 'group_identifier': 'groupIdentifier', 'identifier': 'identifier', 'label_index': 'labelIndex', 'load_balance_compression': 'loadBalanceCompression', 'load_balance_strategy': 'loadBalanceStrategy', 'name': 'name', 'partitioning_attribute': 'partitioningAttribute', 'position': 'position', 'prioritizers': 'prioritizers', 'selected_relationships': 'selectedRelationships', 'source': 'source', 'z_index': 'zIndex'}

Gets the back_pressure_data_size_threshold of this VersionedConnection. The object data size threshold for determining when back pressure is applied. Updating this value is a passive change in the sense that it won’t impact whether existing files over the limit are affected but it does help feeder processors to stop pushing too much into this work queue.

Returns:The back_pressure_data_size_threshold of this VersionedConnection.
Return type:str

Gets the back_pressure_object_threshold of this VersionedConnection. The object count threshold for determining when back pressure is applied. Updating this value is a passive change in the sense that it won’t impact whether existing files over the limit are affected but it does help feeder processors to stop pushing too much into this work queue.

Returns:The back_pressure_object_threshold of this VersionedConnection.
Return type:int

Gets the bends of this VersionedConnection. The bend points on the connection.

Returns:The bends of this VersionedConnection.
Return type:list[Position]

Gets the comments of this VersionedConnection. The user-supplied comments for the component

Returns:The comments of this VersionedConnection.
Return type:str

Gets the component_type of this VersionedConnection.

Returns:The component_type of this VersionedConnection.
Return type:str

Gets the destination of this VersionedConnection. The destination of the connection.

Returns:The destination of this VersionedConnection.
Return type:ConnectableComponent

Gets the flow_file_expiration of this VersionedConnection. The amount of time a flow file may be in the flow before it will be automatically aged out of the flow. Once a flow file reaches this age it will be terminated from the flow the next time a processor attempts to start work on it.

Returns:The flow_file_expiration of this VersionedConnection.
Return type:str

Gets the group_identifier of this VersionedConnection. The ID of the Process Group that this component belongs to

Returns:The group_identifier of this VersionedConnection.
Return type:str

Gets the identifier of this VersionedConnection. The component’s unique identifier

Returns:The identifier of this VersionedConnection.
Return type:str

Gets the label_index of this VersionedConnection. The index of the bend point where to place the connection label.

Returns:The label_index of this VersionedConnection.
Return type:int

Gets the load_balance_compression of this VersionedConnection. Whether or not compression should be used when transferring FlowFiles between nodes

Returns:The load_balance_compression of this VersionedConnection.
Return type:str

Gets the load_balance_strategy of this VersionedConnection. The Strategy to use for load balancing data across the cluster, or null, if no Load Balance Strategy has been specified.

Returns:The load_balance_strategy of this VersionedConnection.
Return type:str

Gets the name of this VersionedConnection. The component’s name

Returns:The name of this VersionedConnection.
Return type:str

Gets the partitioning_attribute of this VersionedConnection. The attribute to use for partitioning data as it is load balanced across the cluster. If the Load Balance Strategy is configured to use PARTITION_BY_ATTRIBUTE, the value returned by this method is the name of the FlowFile Attribute that will be used to determine which node in the cluster should receive a given FlowFile. If the Load Balance Strategy is unset or is set to any other value, the Partitioning Attribute has no effect.

Returns:The partitioning_attribute of this VersionedConnection.
Return type:str

Gets the position of this VersionedConnection. The component’s position on the graph

Returns:The position of this VersionedConnection.
Return type:Position

Gets the prioritizers of this VersionedConnection. The comparators used to prioritize the queue.

Returns:The prioritizers of this VersionedConnection.
Return type:list[str]

Gets the selected_relationships of this VersionedConnection. The selected relationship that comprise the connection.

Returns:The selected_relationships of this VersionedConnection.
Return type:list[str]

Gets the source of this VersionedConnection. The source of the connection.

Returns:The source of this VersionedConnection.
Return type:ConnectableComponent
swagger_types = {'back_pressure_data_size_threshold': 'str', 'back_pressure_object_threshold': 'int', 'bends': 'list[Position]', 'comments': 'str', 'component_type': 'str', 'destination': 'ConnectableComponent', 'flow_file_expiration': 'str', 'group_identifier': 'str', 'identifier': 'str', 'label_index': 'int', 'load_balance_compression': 'str', 'load_balance_strategy': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'partitioning_attribute': 'str', 'position': 'Position', 'prioritizers': 'list[str]', 'selected_relationships': 'list[str]', 'source': 'ConnectableComponent', 'z_index': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


Gets the z_index of this VersionedConnection. The z index of the connection.

Returns:The z_index of this VersionedConnection.
Return type:int

nipyapi.registry.models.versioned_controller_service module

Apache NiFi Registry REST API

The REST API provides an interface to a registry with operations for saving, versioning, reading NiFi flows and components.

OpenAPI spec version: 0.5.0 Contact: Generated by:

class nipyapi.registry.models.versioned_controller_service.VersionedControllerService(identifier=None, name=None, comments=None, position=None, type=None, bundle=None, controller_service_apis=None, properties=None, property_descriptors=None, annotation_data=None, component_type=None, group_identifier=None)[source]

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. Do not edit the class manually.

VersionedControllerService - a model defined in Swagger


Gets the annotation_data of this VersionedControllerService. The annotation for the controller service. This is how the custom UI relays configuration to the controller service.

Returns:The annotation_data of this VersionedControllerService.
Return type:str
attribute_map = {'annotation_data': 'annotationData', 'bundle': 'bundle', 'comments': 'comments', 'component_type': 'componentType', 'controller_service_apis': 'controllerServiceApis', 'group_identifier': 'groupIdentifier', 'identifier': 'identifier', 'name': 'name', 'position': 'position', 'properties': 'properties', 'property_descriptors': 'propertyDescriptors', 'type': 'type'}

Gets the bundle of this VersionedControllerService. The details of the artifact that bundled this processor type.

Returns:The bundle of this VersionedControllerService.
Return type:Bundle

Gets the comments of this VersionedControllerService. The user-supplied comments for the component

Returns:The comments of this VersionedControllerService.
Return type:str

Gets the component_type of this VersionedControllerService.

Returns:The component_type of this VersionedControllerService.
Return type:str

Gets the controller_service_apis of this VersionedControllerService. Lists the APIs this Controller Service implements.

Returns:The controller_service_apis of this VersionedControllerService.
Return type:list[ControllerServiceAPI]

Gets the group_identifier of this VersionedControllerService. The ID of the Process Group that this component belongs to

Returns:The group_identifier of this VersionedControllerService.
Return type:str

Gets the identifier of this VersionedControllerService. The component’s unique identifier

Returns:The identifier of this VersionedControllerService.
Return type:str

Gets the name of this VersionedControllerService. The component’s name

Returns:The name of this VersionedControllerService.
Return type:str

Gets the position of this VersionedControllerService. The component’s position on the graph

Returns:The position of this VersionedControllerService.
Return type:Position

Gets the properties of this VersionedControllerService. The properties of the controller service.

Returns:The properties of this VersionedControllerService.
Return type:dict(str, str)

Gets the property_descriptors of this VersionedControllerService. The property descriptors for the processor.

Returns:The property_descriptors of this VersionedControllerService.
Return type:dict(str, VersionedPropertyDescriptor)
swagger_types = {'annotation_data': 'str', 'bundle': 'Bundle', 'comments': 'str', 'component_type': 'str', 'controller_service_apis': 'list[ControllerServiceAPI]', 'group_identifier': 'str', 'identifier': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'position': 'Position', 'properties': 'dict(str, str)', 'property_descriptors': 'dict(str, VersionedPropertyDescriptor)', 'type': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


Gets the type of this VersionedControllerService. The type of the controller service.

Returns:The type of this VersionedControllerService.
Return type:str

nipyapi.registry.models.versioned_flow module

Apache NiFi Registry REST API

The REST API provides an interface to a registry with operations for saving, versioning, reading NiFi flows and components.

OpenAPI spec version: 0.5.0 Contact: Generated by:

class nipyapi.registry.models.versioned_flow.VersionedFlow(link=None, identifier=None, name=None, description=None, bucket_identifier=None, bucket_name=None, created_timestamp=None, modified_timestamp=None, type=None, permissions=None, version_count=None)[source]

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. Do not edit the class manually.

VersionedFlow - a model defined in Swagger

attribute_map = {'bucket_identifier': 'bucketIdentifier', 'bucket_name': 'bucketName', 'created_timestamp': 'createdTimestamp', 'description': 'description', 'identifier': 'identifier', 'link': 'link', 'modified_timestamp': 'modifiedTimestamp', 'name': 'name', 'permissions': 'permissions', 'type': 'type', 'version_count': 'versionCount'}

Gets the bucket_identifier of this VersionedFlow. The identifier of the bucket this items belongs to. This cannot be changed after the item is created.

Returns:The bucket_identifier of this VersionedFlow.
Return type:str

Gets the bucket_name of this VersionedFlow. The name of the bucket this items belongs to.

Returns:The bucket_name of this VersionedFlow.
Return type:str

Gets the created_timestamp of this VersionedFlow. The timestamp of when the item was created, as milliseconds since epoch.

Returns:The created_timestamp of this VersionedFlow.
Return type:int

Gets the description of this VersionedFlow. A description of the item.

Returns:The description of this VersionedFlow.
Return type:str

Gets the identifier of this VersionedFlow. An ID to uniquely identify this object.

Returns:The identifier of this VersionedFlow.
Return type:str

Gets the link of this VersionedFlow. An WebLink to this entity.

Returns:The link of this VersionedFlow.
Return type:JaxbLink

Gets the modified_timestamp of this VersionedFlow. The timestamp of when the item was last modified, as milliseconds since epoch.

Returns:The modified_timestamp of this VersionedFlow.
Return type:int

Gets the name of this VersionedFlow. The name of the item.

Returns:The name of this VersionedFlow.
Return type:str

Gets the permissions of this VersionedFlow. The access that the current user has to the bucket containing this item.

Returns:The permissions of this VersionedFlow.
Return type:Permissions
swagger_types = {'bucket_identifier': 'str', 'bucket_name': 'str', 'created_timestamp': 'int', 'description': 'str', 'identifier': 'str', 'link': 'JaxbLink', 'modified_timestamp': 'int', 'name': 'str', 'permissions': 'Permissions', 'type': 'str', 'version_count': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


Gets the type of this VersionedFlow. The type of item.

Returns:The type of this VersionedFlow.
Return type:str

Gets the version_count of this VersionedFlow. The number of versions of this flow.

Returns:The version_count of this VersionedFlow.
Return type:int

nipyapi.registry.models.versioned_flow_coordinates module

Apache NiFi Registry REST API

The REST API provides an interface to a registry with operations for saving, versioning, reading NiFi flows and components.

OpenAPI spec version: 0.5.0 Contact: Generated by:

class nipyapi.registry.models.versioned_flow_coordinates.VersionedFlowCoordinates(registry_url=None, bucket_id=None, flow_id=None, version=None, latest=None)[source]

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. Do not edit the class manually.

VersionedFlowCoordinates - a model defined in Swagger

attribute_map = {'bucket_id': 'bucketId', 'flow_id': 'flowId', 'latest': 'latest', 'registry_url': 'registryUrl', 'version': 'version'}

Gets the bucket_id of this VersionedFlowCoordinates. The UUID of the bucket that the flow resides in

Returns:The bucket_id of this VersionedFlowCoordinates.
Return type:str

Gets the flow_id of this VersionedFlowCoordinates. The UUID of the flow

Returns:The flow_id of this VersionedFlowCoordinates.
Return type:str

Gets the latest of this VersionedFlowCoordinates. Whether or not these coordinates point to the latest version of the flow

Returns:The latest of this VersionedFlowCoordinates.
Return type:bool

Gets the registry_url of this VersionedFlowCoordinates. The URL of the Flow Registry that contains the flow

Returns:The registry_url of this VersionedFlowCoordinates.
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'bucket_id': 'str', 'flow_id': 'str', 'latest': 'bool', 'registry_url': 'str', 'version': 'int'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


Gets the version of this VersionedFlowCoordinates. The version of the flow

Returns:The version of this VersionedFlowCoordinates.
Return type:int

nipyapi.registry.models.versioned_flow_snapshot module

Apache NiFi Registry REST API

The REST API provides an interface to a registry with operations for saving, versioning, reading NiFi flows and components.

OpenAPI spec version: 0.5.0 Contact: Generated by:

class nipyapi.registry.models.versioned_flow_snapshot.VersionedFlowSnapshot(snapshot_metadata=None, flow_contents=None, external_controller_services=None, parameter_contexts=None, flow_encoding_version=None, flow=None, bucket=None, latest=None)[source]

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. Do not edit the class manually.

VersionedFlowSnapshot - a model defined in Swagger

attribute_map = {'bucket': 'bucket', 'external_controller_services': 'externalControllerServices', 'flow': 'flow', 'flow_contents': 'flowContents', 'flow_encoding_version': 'flowEncodingVersion', 'latest': 'latest', 'parameter_contexts': 'parameterContexts', 'snapshot_metadata': 'snapshotMetadata'}

Gets the bucket of this VersionedFlowSnapshot. The bucket where the flow is located

Returns:The bucket of this VersionedFlowSnapshot.
Return type:Bucket

Gets the external_controller_services of this VersionedFlowSnapshot. The information about controller services that exist outside this versioned flow, but are referenced by components within the versioned flow.

Returns:The external_controller_services of this VersionedFlowSnapshot.
Return type:dict(str, ExternalControllerServiceReference)

Gets the flow of this VersionedFlowSnapshot. The flow this snapshot is for

Returns:The flow of this VersionedFlowSnapshot.
Return type:VersionedFlow

Gets the flow_contents of this VersionedFlowSnapshot. The contents of the versioned flow

Returns:The flow_contents of this VersionedFlowSnapshot.
Return type:VersionedProcessGroup

Gets the flow_encoding_version of this VersionedFlowSnapshot. The optional encoding version of the flow contents.

Returns:The flow_encoding_version of this VersionedFlowSnapshot.
Return type:str

Gets the latest of this VersionedFlowSnapshot.

Returns:The latest of this VersionedFlowSnapshot.
Return type:bool

Gets the parameter_contexts of this VersionedFlowSnapshot. The parameter contexts referenced by process groups in the flow contents. The mapping is from the name of the context to the context instance, and it is expected that any context in this map is referenced by at least one process group in this flow.

Returns:The parameter_contexts of this VersionedFlowSnapshot.
Return type:dict(str, VersionedParameterContext)

Gets the snapshot_metadata of this VersionedFlowSnapshot. The metadata for this snapshot

Returns:The snapshot_metadata of this VersionedFlowSnapshot.
Return type:VersionedFlowSnapshotMetadata
swagger_types = {'bucket': 'Bucket', 'external_controller_services': 'dict(str, ExternalControllerServiceReference)', 'flow': 'VersionedFlow', 'flow_contents': 'VersionedProcessGroup', 'flow_encoding_version': 'str', 'latest': 'bool', 'parameter_contexts': 'dict(str, VersionedParameterContext)', 'snapshot_metadata': 'VersionedFlowSnapshotMetadata'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

nipyapi.registry.models.versioned_flow_snapshot_metadata module

Apache NiFi Registry REST API

The REST API provides an interface to a registry with operations for saving, versioning, reading NiFi flows and components.

OpenAPI spec version: 0.5.0 Contact: Generated by:

class nipyapi.registry.models.versioned_flow_snapshot_metadata.VersionedFlowSnapshotMetadata(link=None, bucket_identifier=None, flow_identifier=None, version=None, timestamp=None, author=None, comments=None)[source]

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. Do not edit the class manually.

VersionedFlowSnapshotMetadata - a model defined in Swagger

attribute_map = {'author': 'author', 'bucket_identifier': 'bucketIdentifier', 'comments': 'comments', 'flow_identifier': 'flowIdentifier', 'link': 'link', 'timestamp': 'timestamp', 'version': 'version'}

Gets the author of this VersionedFlowSnapshotMetadata. The user that created this snapshot of the flow.

Returns:The author of this VersionedFlowSnapshotMetadata.
Return type:str

Gets the bucket_identifier of this VersionedFlowSnapshotMetadata. The identifier of the bucket this snapshot belongs to.

Returns:The bucket_identifier of this VersionedFlowSnapshotMetadata.
Return type:str

Gets the comments of this VersionedFlowSnapshotMetadata. The comments provided by the user when creating the snapshot.

Returns:The comments of this VersionedFlowSnapshotMetadata.
Return type:str

Gets the flow_identifier of this VersionedFlowSnapshotMetadata. The identifier of the flow this snapshot belongs to.

Returns:The flow_identifier of this VersionedFlowSnapshotMetadata.
Return type:str

Gets the link of this VersionedFlowSnapshotMetadata. An WebLink to this entity.

Returns:The link of this VersionedFlowSnapshotMetadata.
Return type:JaxbLink
swagger_types = {'author': 'str', 'bucket_identifier': 'str', 'comments': 'str', 'flow_identifier': 'str', 'link': 'JaxbLink', 'timestamp': 'int', 'version': 'int'}

Gets the timestamp of this VersionedFlowSnapshotMetadata. The timestamp when the flow was saved, as milliseconds since epoch.

Returns:The timestamp of this VersionedFlowSnapshotMetadata.
Return type:int

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


Gets the version of this VersionedFlowSnapshotMetadata. The version of this snapshot of the flow.

Returns:The version of this VersionedFlowSnapshotMetadata.
Return type:int

nipyapi.registry.models.versioned_funnel module

Apache NiFi Registry REST API

The REST API provides an interface to a registry with operations for saving, versioning, reading NiFi flows and components.

OpenAPI spec version: 0.5.0 Contact: Generated by:

class nipyapi.registry.models.versioned_funnel.VersionedFunnel(identifier=None, name=None, comments=None, position=None, component_type=None, group_identifier=None)[source]

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. Do not edit the class manually.

VersionedFunnel - a model defined in Swagger

attribute_map = {'comments': 'comments', 'component_type': 'componentType', 'group_identifier': 'groupIdentifier', 'identifier': 'identifier', 'name': 'name', 'position': 'position'}

Gets the comments of this VersionedFunnel. The user-supplied comments for the component

Returns:The comments of this VersionedFunnel.
Return type:str

Gets the component_type of this VersionedFunnel.

Returns:The component_type of this VersionedFunnel.
Return type:str

Gets the group_identifier of this VersionedFunnel. The ID of the Process Group that this component belongs to

Returns:The group_identifier of this VersionedFunnel.
Return type:str

Gets the identifier of this VersionedFunnel. The component’s unique identifier

Returns:The identifier of this VersionedFunnel.
Return type:str

Gets the name of this VersionedFunnel. The component’s name

Returns:The name of this VersionedFunnel.
Return type:str

Gets the position of this VersionedFunnel. The component’s position on the graph

Returns:The position of this VersionedFunnel.
Return type:Position
swagger_types = {'comments': 'str', 'component_type': 'str', 'group_identifier': 'str', 'identifier': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'position': 'Position'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

nipyapi.registry.models.versioned_label module

Apache NiFi Registry REST API

The REST API provides an interface to a registry with operations for saving, versioning, reading NiFi flows and components.

OpenAPI spec version: 0.5.0 Contact: Generated by:

class nipyapi.registry.models.versioned_label.VersionedLabel(identifier=None, name=None, comments=None, position=None, label=None, width=None, height=None, style=None, component_type=None, group_identifier=None)[source]

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. Do not edit the class manually.

VersionedLabel - a model defined in Swagger

attribute_map = {'comments': 'comments', 'component_type': 'componentType', 'group_identifier': 'groupIdentifier', 'height': 'height', 'identifier': 'identifier', 'label': 'label', 'name': 'name', 'position': 'position', 'style': 'style', 'width': 'width'}

Gets the comments of this VersionedLabel. The user-supplied comments for the component

Returns:The comments of this VersionedLabel.
Return type:str

Gets the component_type of this VersionedLabel.

Returns:The component_type of this VersionedLabel.
Return type:str

Gets the group_identifier of this VersionedLabel. The ID of the Process Group that this component belongs to

Returns:The group_identifier of this VersionedLabel.
Return type:str

Gets the height of this VersionedLabel. The height of the label in pixels when at a 1:1 scale.

Returns:The height of this VersionedLabel.
Return type:float

Gets the identifier of this VersionedLabel. The component’s unique identifier

Returns:The identifier of this VersionedLabel.
Return type:str

Gets the label of this VersionedLabel. The text that appears in the label.

Returns:The label of this VersionedLabel.
Return type:str

Gets the name of this VersionedLabel. The component’s name

Returns:The name of this VersionedLabel.
Return type:str

Gets the position of this VersionedLabel. The component’s position on the graph

Returns:The position of this VersionedLabel.
Return type:Position

Gets the style of this VersionedLabel. The styles for this label (font-size : 12px, background-color : #eee, etc).

Returns:The style of this VersionedLabel.
Return type:dict(str, str)
swagger_types = {'comments': 'str', 'component_type': 'str', 'group_identifier': 'str', 'height': 'float', 'identifier': 'str', 'label': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'position': 'Position', 'style': 'dict(str, str)', 'width': 'float'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


Gets the width of this VersionedLabel. The width of the label in pixels when at a 1:1 scale.

Returns:The width of this VersionedLabel.
Return type:float

nipyapi.registry.models.versioned_port module

Apache NiFi Registry REST API

The REST API provides an interface to a registry with operations for saving, versioning, reading NiFi flows and components.

OpenAPI spec version: 0.5.0 Contact: Generated by:

class nipyapi.registry.models.versioned_port.VersionedPort(identifier=None, name=None, comments=None, position=None, type=None, concurrently_schedulable_task_count=None, scheduled_state=None, allow_remote_access=None, component_type=None, group_identifier=None)[source]

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. Do not edit the class manually.

VersionedPort - a model defined in Swagger


Gets the allow_remote_access of this VersionedPort. Whether or not this port allows remote access for site-to-site

Returns:The allow_remote_access of this VersionedPort.
Return type:bool
attribute_map = {'allow_remote_access': 'allowRemoteAccess', 'comments': 'comments', 'component_type': 'componentType', 'concurrently_schedulable_task_count': 'concurrentlySchedulableTaskCount', 'group_identifier': 'groupIdentifier', 'identifier': 'identifier', 'name': 'name', 'position': 'position', 'scheduled_state': 'scheduledState', 'type': 'type'}

Gets the comments of this VersionedPort. The user-supplied comments for the component

Returns:The comments of this VersionedPort.
Return type:str

Gets the component_type of this VersionedPort.

Returns:The component_type of this VersionedPort.
Return type:str

Gets the concurrently_schedulable_task_count of this VersionedPort. The number of tasks that should be concurrently scheduled for the port.

Returns:The concurrently_schedulable_task_count of this VersionedPort.
Return type:int

Gets the group_identifier of this VersionedPort. The ID of the Process Group that this component belongs to

Returns:The group_identifier of this VersionedPort.
Return type:str

Gets the identifier of this VersionedPort. The component’s unique identifier

Returns:The identifier of this VersionedPort.
Return type:str

Gets the name of this VersionedPort. The component’s name

Returns:The name of this VersionedPort.
Return type:str

Gets the position of this VersionedPort. The component’s position on the graph

Returns:The position of this VersionedPort.
Return type:Position

Gets the scheduled_state of this VersionedPort. The scheduled state of the component

Returns:The scheduled_state of this VersionedPort.
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'allow_remote_access': 'bool', 'comments': 'str', 'component_type': 'str', 'concurrently_schedulable_task_count': 'int', 'group_identifier': 'str', 'identifier': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'position': 'Position', 'scheduled_state': 'str', 'type': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


Gets the type of this VersionedPort. The type of port.

Returns:The type of this VersionedPort.
Return type:str

nipyapi.registry.models.versioned_process_group module

Apache NiFi Registry REST API

The REST API provides an interface to a registry with operations for saving, versioning, reading NiFi flows and components.

OpenAPI spec version: 0.5.0 Contact: Generated by:

class nipyapi.registry.models.versioned_process_group.VersionedProcessGroup(identifier=None, name=None, comments=None, position=None, process_groups=None, remote_process_groups=None, processors=None, input_ports=None, output_ports=None, connections=None, labels=None, funnels=None, controller_services=None, versioned_flow_coordinates=None, variables=None, parameter_context_name=None, component_type=None, group_identifier=None)[source]

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. Do not edit the class manually.

VersionedProcessGroup - a model defined in Swagger

attribute_map = {'comments': 'comments', 'component_type': 'componentType', 'connections': 'connections', 'controller_services': 'controllerServices', 'funnels': 'funnels', 'group_identifier': 'groupIdentifier', 'identifier': 'identifier', 'input_ports': 'inputPorts', 'labels': 'labels', 'name': 'name', 'output_ports': 'outputPorts', 'parameter_context_name': 'parameterContextName', 'position': 'position', 'process_groups': 'processGroups', 'processors': 'processors', 'remote_process_groups': 'remoteProcessGroups', 'variables': 'variables', 'versioned_flow_coordinates': 'versionedFlowCoordinates'}

Gets the comments of this VersionedProcessGroup. The user-supplied comments for the component

Returns:The comments of this VersionedProcessGroup.
Return type:str

Gets the component_type of this VersionedProcessGroup.

Returns:The component_type of this VersionedProcessGroup.
Return type:str

Gets the connections of this VersionedProcessGroup. The Connections

Returns:The connections of this VersionedProcessGroup.
Return type:list[VersionedConnection]

Gets the controller_services of this VersionedProcessGroup. The Controller Services

Returns:The controller_services of this VersionedProcessGroup.
Return type:list[VersionedControllerService]

Gets the funnels of this VersionedProcessGroup. The Funnels

Returns:The funnels of this VersionedProcessGroup.
Return type:list[VersionedFunnel]

Gets the group_identifier of this VersionedProcessGroup. The ID of the Process Group that this component belongs to

Returns:The group_identifier of this VersionedProcessGroup.
Return type:str

Gets the identifier of this VersionedProcessGroup. The component’s unique identifier

Returns:The identifier of this VersionedProcessGroup.
Return type:str

Gets the input_ports of this VersionedProcessGroup. The Input Ports

Returns:The input_ports of this VersionedProcessGroup.
Return type:list[VersionedPort]

Gets the labels of this VersionedProcessGroup. The Labels

Returns:The labels of this VersionedProcessGroup.
Return type:list[VersionedLabel]

Gets the name of this VersionedProcessGroup. The component’s name

Returns:The name of this VersionedProcessGroup.
Return type:str

Gets the output_ports of this VersionedProcessGroup. The Output Ports

Returns:The output_ports of this VersionedProcessGroup.
Return type:list[VersionedPort]

Gets the parameter_context_name of this VersionedProcessGroup. The name of the parameter context used by this process group

Returns:The parameter_context_name of this VersionedProcessGroup.
Return type:str

Gets the position of this VersionedProcessGroup. The component’s position on the graph

Returns:The position of this VersionedProcessGroup.
Return type:Position

Gets the process_groups of this VersionedProcessGroup. The child Process Groups

Returns:The process_groups of this VersionedProcessGroup.
Return type:list[VersionedProcessGroup]

Gets the processors of this VersionedProcessGroup. The Processors

Returns:The processors of this VersionedProcessGroup.
Return type:list[VersionedProcessor]

Gets the remote_process_groups of this VersionedProcessGroup. The Remote Process Groups

Returns:The remote_process_groups of this VersionedProcessGroup.
Return type:list[VersionedRemoteProcessGroup]
swagger_types = {'comments': 'str', 'component_type': 'str', 'connections': 'list[VersionedConnection]', 'controller_services': 'list[VersionedControllerService]', 'funnels': 'list[VersionedFunnel]', 'group_identifier': 'str', 'identifier': 'str', 'input_ports': 'list[VersionedPort]', 'labels': 'list[VersionedLabel]', 'name': 'str', 'output_ports': 'list[VersionedPort]', 'parameter_context_name': 'str', 'position': 'Position', 'process_groups': 'list[VersionedProcessGroup]', 'processors': 'list[VersionedProcessor]', 'remote_process_groups': 'list[VersionedRemoteProcessGroup]', 'variables': 'dict(str, str)', 'versioned_flow_coordinates': 'VersionedFlowCoordinates'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


Gets the variables of this VersionedProcessGroup. The Variables in the Variable Registry for this Process Group (not including any ancestor or descendant Process Groups)

Returns:The variables of this VersionedProcessGroup.
Return type:dict(str, str)

Gets the versioned_flow_coordinates of this VersionedProcessGroup. The coordinates where the remote flow is stored, or null if the Process Group is not directly under Version Control

Returns:The versioned_flow_coordinates of this VersionedProcessGroup.
Return type:VersionedFlowCoordinates

nipyapi.registry.models.versioned_processor module

Apache NiFi Registry REST API

The REST API provides an interface to a registry with operations for saving, versioning, reading NiFi flows and components.

OpenAPI spec version: 0.5.0 Contact: Generated by:

class nipyapi.registry.models.versioned_processor.VersionedProcessor(identifier=None, name=None, comments=None, position=None, bundle=None, style=None, type=None, properties=None, property_descriptors=None, annotation_data=None, scheduling_period=None, scheduling_strategy=None, execution_node=None, penalty_duration=None, yield_duration=None, bulletin_level=None, run_duration_millis=None, concurrently_schedulable_task_count=None, auto_terminated_relationships=None, scheduled_state=None, component_type=None, group_identifier=None)[source]

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. Do not edit the class manually.

VersionedProcessor - a model defined in Swagger


Gets the annotation_data of this VersionedProcessor. The annotation data for the processor used to relay configuration between a custom UI and the procesosr.

Returns:The annotation_data of this VersionedProcessor.
Return type:str
attribute_map = {'annotation_data': 'annotationData', 'auto_terminated_relationships': 'autoTerminatedRelationships', 'bulletin_level': 'bulletinLevel', 'bundle': 'bundle', 'comments': 'comments', 'component_type': 'componentType', 'concurrently_schedulable_task_count': 'concurrentlySchedulableTaskCount', 'execution_node': 'executionNode', 'group_identifier': 'groupIdentifier', 'identifier': 'identifier', 'name': 'name', 'penalty_duration': 'penaltyDuration', 'position': 'position', 'properties': 'properties', 'property_descriptors': 'propertyDescriptors', 'run_duration_millis': 'runDurationMillis', 'scheduled_state': 'scheduledState', 'scheduling_period': 'schedulingPeriod', 'scheduling_strategy': 'schedulingStrategy', 'style': 'style', 'type': 'type', 'yield_duration': 'yieldDuration'}

Gets the auto_terminated_relationships of this VersionedProcessor. The names of all relationships that cause a flow file to be terminated if the relationship is not connected elsewhere. This property differs from the ‘isAutoTerminate’ property of the RelationshipDTO in that the RelationshipDTO is meant to depict the current configuration, whereas this property can be set in a DTO when updating a Processor in order to change which Relationships should be auto-terminated.

Returns:The auto_terminated_relationships of this VersionedProcessor.
Return type:list[str]

Gets the bulletin_level of this VersionedProcessor. The level at which the processor will report bulletins.

Returns:The bulletin_level of this VersionedProcessor.
Return type:str

Gets the bundle of this VersionedProcessor. Information about the bundle from which the component came

Returns:The bundle of this VersionedProcessor.
Return type:Bundle

Gets the comments of this VersionedProcessor. The user-supplied comments for the component

Returns:The comments of this VersionedProcessor.
Return type:str

Gets the component_type of this VersionedProcessor.

Returns:The component_type of this VersionedProcessor.
Return type:str

Gets the concurrently_schedulable_task_count of this VersionedProcessor. The number of tasks that should be concurrently schedule for the processor. If the processor doesn’t allow parallol processing then any positive input will be ignored.

Returns:The concurrently_schedulable_task_count of this VersionedProcessor.
Return type:int

Gets the execution_node of this VersionedProcessor. Indicates the node where the process will execute.

Returns:The execution_node of this VersionedProcessor.
Return type:str

Gets the group_identifier of this VersionedProcessor. The ID of the Process Group that this component belongs to

Returns:The group_identifier of this VersionedProcessor.
Return type:str

Gets the identifier of this VersionedProcessor. The component’s unique identifier

Returns:The identifier of this VersionedProcessor.
Return type:str

Gets the name of this VersionedProcessor. The component’s name

Returns:The name of this VersionedProcessor.
Return type:str

Gets the penalty_duration of this VersionedProcessor. The amout of time that is used when the process penalizes a flowfile.

Returns:The penalty_duration of this VersionedProcessor.
Return type:str

Gets the position of this VersionedProcessor. The component’s position on the graph

Returns:The position of this VersionedProcessor.
Return type:Position

Gets the properties of this VersionedProcessor. The properties for the processor. Properties whose value is not set will only contain the property name.

Returns:The properties of this VersionedProcessor.
Return type:dict(str, str)

Gets the property_descriptors of this VersionedProcessor. The property descriptors for the processor.

Returns:The property_descriptors of this VersionedProcessor.
Return type:dict(str, VersionedPropertyDescriptor)

Gets the run_duration_millis of this VersionedProcessor. The run duration for the processor in milliseconds.

Returns:The run_duration_millis of this VersionedProcessor.
Return type:int

Gets the scheduled_state of this VersionedProcessor. The scheduled state of the component

Returns:The scheduled_state of this VersionedProcessor.
Return type:str

Gets the scheduling_period of this VersionedProcessor. The frequency with which to schedule the processor. The format of the value will depend on th value of schedulingStrategy.

Returns:The scheduling_period of this VersionedProcessor.
Return type:str

Gets the scheduling_strategy of this VersionedProcessor. Indcates whether the prcessor should be scheduled to run in event or timer driven mode.

Returns:The scheduling_strategy of this VersionedProcessor.
Return type:str

Gets the style of this VersionedProcessor. Stylistic data for rendering in a UI

Returns:The style of this VersionedProcessor.
Return type:dict(str, str)
swagger_types = {'annotation_data': 'str', 'auto_terminated_relationships': 'list[str]', 'bulletin_level': 'str', 'bundle': 'Bundle', 'comments': 'str', 'component_type': 'str', 'concurrently_schedulable_task_count': 'int', 'execution_node': 'str', 'group_identifier': 'str', 'identifier': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'penalty_duration': 'str', 'position': 'Position', 'properties': 'dict(str, str)', 'property_descriptors': 'dict(str, VersionedPropertyDescriptor)', 'run_duration_millis': 'int', 'scheduled_state': 'str', 'scheduling_period': 'str', 'scheduling_strategy': 'str', 'style': 'dict(str, str)', 'type': 'str', 'yield_duration': 'str'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


Gets the type of this VersionedProcessor. The type of Processor

Returns:The type of this VersionedProcessor.
Return type:str

Gets the yield_duration of this VersionedProcessor. The amount of time that must elapse before this processor is scheduled again after yielding.

Returns:The yield_duration of this VersionedProcessor.
Return type:str

nipyapi.registry.models.versioned_property_descriptor module

Apache NiFi Registry REST API

The REST API provides an interface to a registry with operations for saving, versioning, reading NiFi flows and components.

OpenAPI spec version: 0.5.0 Contact: Generated by:

class nipyapi.registry.models.versioned_property_descriptor.VersionedPropertyDescriptor(name=None, display_name=None, identifies_controller_service=None, sensitive=None)[source]

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. Do not edit the class manually.

VersionedPropertyDescriptor - a model defined in Swagger

attribute_map = {'display_name': 'displayName', 'identifies_controller_service': 'identifiesControllerService', 'name': 'name', 'sensitive': 'sensitive'}

Gets the display_name of this VersionedPropertyDescriptor. The display name of the property

Returns:The display_name of this VersionedPropertyDescriptor.
Return type:str

Gets the identifies_controller_service of this VersionedPropertyDescriptor. Whether or not the property provides the identifier of a Controller Service

Returns:The identifies_controller_service of this VersionedPropertyDescriptor.
Return type:bool

Gets the name of this VersionedPropertyDescriptor. The name of the property

Returns:The name of this VersionedPropertyDescriptor.
Return type:str

Gets the sensitive of this VersionedPropertyDescriptor. Whether or not the property is considered sensitive

Returns:The sensitive of this VersionedPropertyDescriptor.
Return type:bool
swagger_types = {'display_name': 'str', 'identifies_controller_service': 'bool', 'name': 'str', 'sensitive': 'bool'}

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model

nipyapi.registry.models.versioned_remote_group_port module

Apache NiFi Registry REST API

The REST API provides an interface to a registry with operations for saving, versioning, reading NiFi flows and components.

OpenAPI spec version: 0.5.0 Contact: Generated by:

class nipyapi.registry.models.versioned_remote_group_port.VersionedRemoteGroupPort(identifier=None, name=None, comments=None, position=None, remote_group_id=None, concurrently_schedulable_task_count=None, use_compression=None, batch_size=None, component_type=None, target_id=None, scheduled_state=None, group_identifier=None)[source]

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. Do not edit the class manually.

VersionedRemoteGroupPort - a model defined in Swagger

attribute_map = {'batch_size': 'batchSize', 'comments': 'comments', 'component_type': 'componentType', 'concurrently_schedulable_task_count': 'concurrentlySchedulableTaskCount', 'group_identifier': 'groupIdentifier', 'identifier': 'identifier', 'name': 'name', 'position': 'position', 'remote_group_id': 'remoteGroupId', 'scheduled_state': 'scheduledState', 'target_id': 'targetId', 'use_compression': 'useCompression'}

Gets the batch_size of this VersionedRemoteGroupPort. The batch settings for data transmission.

Returns:The batch_size of this VersionedRemoteGroupPort.
Return type:BatchSize

Gets the comments of this VersionedRemoteGroupPort. The user-supplied comments for the component

Returns:The comments of this VersionedRemoteGroupPort.
Return type:str

Gets the component_type of this VersionedRemoteGroupPort.

Returns:The component_type of this VersionedRemoteGroupPort.
Return type:str

Gets the concurrently_schedulable_task_count of this VersionedRemoteGroupPort. The number of task that may transmit flowfiles to the target port concurrently.

Returns:The concurrently_schedulable_task_count of this VersionedRemoteGroupPort.
Return type:int

Gets the group_identifier of this VersionedRemoteGroupPort. The ID of the Process Group that this component belongs to

Returns:The group_identifier of this VersionedRemoteGroupPort.
Return type:str

Gets the identifier of this VersionedRemoteGroupPort. The component’s unique identifier

Returns:The identifier of this VersionedRemoteGroupPort.
Return type:str

Gets the name of this VersionedRemoteGroupPort. The component’s name

Returns:The name of this VersionedRemoteGroupPort.
Return type:str

Gets the position of this VersionedRemoteGroupPort. The component’s position on the graph

Returns:The position of this VersionedRemoteGroupPort.
Return type:Position

Gets the remote_group_id of this VersionedRemoteGroupPort. The id of the remote process group that the port resides in.

Returns:The remote_group_id of this VersionedRemoteGroupPort.
Return type:str

Gets the scheduled_state of this VersionedRemoteGroupPort. The scheduled state of the component

Returns:The scheduled_state of this VersionedRemoteGroupPort.
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'batch_size': 'BatchSize', 'comments': 'str', 'component_type': 'str', 'concurrently_schedulable_task_count': 'int', 'group_identifier': 'str', 'identifier': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'position': 'Position', 'remote_group_id': 'str', 'scheduled_state': 'str', 'target_id': 'str', 'use_compression': 'bool'}

Gets the target_id of this VersionedRemoteGroupPort. The ID of the port on the target NiFi instance

Returns:The target_id of this VersionedRemoteGroupPort.
Return type:str

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


Gets the use_compression of this VersionedRemoteGroupPort. Whether the flowfiles are compressed when sent to the target port.

Returns:The use_compression of this VersionedRemoteGroupPort.
Return type:bool

nipyapi.registry.models.versioned_remote_process_group module

Apache NiFi Registry REST API

The REST API provides an interface to a registry with operations for saving, versioning, reading NiFi flows and components.

OpenAPI spec version: 0.5.0 Contact: Generated by:

class nipyapi.registry.models.versioned_remote_process_group.VersionedRemoteProcessGroup(identifier=None, name=None, comments=None, position=None, target_uri=None, target_uris=None, communications_timeout=None, yield_duration=None, transport_protocol=None, local_network_interface=None, proxy_host=None, proxy_port=None, proxy_user=None, input_ports=None, output_ports=None, component_type=None, group_identifier=None)[source]

Bases: object

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. Do not edit the class manually.

VersionedRemoteProcessGroup - a model defined in Swagger

attribute_map = {'comments': 'comments', 'communications_timeout': 'communicationsTimeout', 'component_type': 'componentType', 'group_identifier': 'groupIdentifier', 'identifier': 'identifier', 'input_ports': 'inputPorts', 'local_network_interface': 'localNetworkInterface', 'name': 'name', 'output_ports': 'outputPorts', 'position': 'position', 'proxy_host': 'proxyHost', 'proxy_port': 'proxyPort', 'proxy_user': 'proxyUser', 'target_uri': 'targetUri', 'target_uris': 'targetUris', 'transport_protocol': 'transportProtocol', 'yield_duration': 'yieldDuration'}

Gets the comments of this VersionedRemoteProcessGroup. The user-supplied comments for the component

Returns:The comments of this VersionedRemoteProcessGroup.
Return type:str

Gets the communications_timeout of this VersionedRemoteProcessGroup. The time period used for the timeout when communicating with the target.

Returns:The communications_timeout of this VersionedRemoteProcessGroup.
Return type:str

Gets the component_type of this VersionedRemoteProcessGroup.

Returns:The component_type of this VersionedRemoteProcessGroup.
Return type:str

Gets the group_identifier of this VersionedRemoteProcessGroup. The ID of the Process Group that this component belongs to

Returns:The group_identifier of this VersionedRemoteProcessGroup.
Return type:str

Gets the identifier of this VersionedRemoteProcessGroup. The component’s unique identifier

Returns:The identifier of this VersionedRemoteProcessGroup.
Return type:str

Gets the input_ports of this VersionedRemoteProcessGroup. A Set of Input Ports that can be connected to, in order to send data to the remote NiFi instance

Returns:The input_ports of this VersionedRemoteProcessGroup.
Return type:list[VersionedRemoteGroupPort]

Gets the local_network_interface of this VersionedRemoteProcessGroup. The local network interface to send/receive data. If not specified, any local address is used. If clustered, all nodes must have an interface with this identifier.

Returns:The local_network_interface of this VersionedRemoteProcessGroup.
Return type:str

Gets the name of this VersionedRemoteProcessGroup. The component’s name

Returns:The name of this VersionedRemoteProcessGroup.
Return type:str

Gets the output_ports of this VersionedRemoteProcessGroup. A Set of Output Ports that can be connected to, in order to pull data from the remote NiFi instance

Returns:The output_ports of this VersionedRemoteProcessGroup.
Return type:list[VersionedRemoteGroupPort]

Gets the position of this VersionedRemoteProcessGroup. The component’s position on the graph

Returns:The position of this VersionedRemoteProcessGroup.
Return type:Position

Gets the proxy_host of this VersionedRemoteProcessGroup.

Returns:The proxy_host of this VersionedRemoteProcessGroup.
Return type:str

Gets the proxy_port of this VersionedRemoteProcessGroup.

Returns:The proxy_port of this VersionedRemoteProcessGroup.
Return type:int

Gets the proxy_user of this VersionedRemoteProcessGroup.

Returns:The proxy_user of this VersionedRemoteProcessGroup.
Return type:str
swagger_types = {'comments': 'str', 'communications_timeout': 'str', 'component_type': 'str', 'group_identifier': 'str', 'identifier': 'str', 'input_ports': 'list[VersionedRemoteGroupPort]', 'local_network_interface': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'output_ports': 'list[VersionedRemoteGroupPort]', 'position': 'Position', 'proxy_host': 'str', 'proxy_port': 'int', 'proxy_user': 'str', 'target_uri': 'str', 'target_uris': 'str', 'transport_protocol': 'str', 'yield_duration': 'str'}

Gets the target_uri of this VersionedRemoteProcessGroup. [DEPRECATED] The target URI of the remote process group. If target uri is not set, but uris are set, then returns the first uri in the uris. If neither target uri nor uris are set, then returns null.

Returns:The target_uri of this VersionedRemoteProcessGroup.
Return type:str

Gets the target_uris of this VersionedRemoteProcessGroup. The target URIs of the remote process group. If target uris is not set but target uri is set, then returns the single target uri. If neither target uris nor target uri is set, then returns null.

Returns:The target_uris of this VersionedRemoteProcessGroup.
Return type:str

Returns the model properties as a dict


Returns the string representation of the model


Gets the transport_protocol of this VersionedRemoteProcessGroup. The Transport Protocol that is used for Site-to-Site communications

Returns:The transport_protocol of this VersionedRemoteProcessGroup.
Return type:str

Gets the yield_duration of this VersionedRemoteProcessGroup. When yielding, this amount of time must elapse before the remote process group is scheduled again.

Returns:The yield_duration of this VersionedRemoteProcessGroup.
Return type:str